Welcome to SauriCogs’ documentation!

SaurBot's Harem Red-DiscordBot Black formatting


These cogs are made to work only with Red DiscordBot V3.

Contact me

If you have any issues with any of the cogs, `open an issue on GitHub`__, I have notifications turned on for it, unlike Discord.

Please, do not message me on Discord, I have no time to be there and it is always muted and open in the background.

How to install

[p] is your prefix.

To install any of my cogs, first load the Downloader:

[p]load downloader

Next, install the repository:

[p]repo add SauriCogs https://github.com/elijabesu/SauriCogs/

Finally, you can install the desired cog:

[p]cog install SauriCogs <cogs>